The quality of motorcycle chains has grown steadily, represented by the sealed chains that were introduced about 30 years ago, and the chain growth is still much smaller now. Similarly, as the stroke amount of the rear wheel has increased by more than 30% since then, it is very important that the chain adjustment does not interfere with the movement of the suspension. .However, because maintenance instructions and maintenance common sense remain the same as 50 years ago, improper chain adjustment is performed in many vehicles, resulting in a decrease in maneuverability and grip strength of the rear tire, which impairs safety.
I made a proper adjustment with the help of a friend about the poor adjustment of the chain that was pointed out when I visited the clinic. I would like to do this alone in the future, so please give me some advice.
After proper adjustment of the chain, keep the vehicle upright, push down the lower chain with your fingers, and measure the distance between the lower end face of the center of the left swing arm and the chain to record the value.
If you measure this interval periodically and compare it with the appropriately adjusted value, you can determine whether adjustment is necessary or not, and you can correct it after adjustment at the store.
In order to achieve proper chain adjustment, the angle of the swing arm must be adjusted so that the center of the front and rear sprockets and the swing arm pivot are aligned. In addition, in the case of the angle adjustment, it is necessary to remove the rear suspension unit or remove part of the link mechanism of the suspension, but it is impossible to perform proper chain adjustment other than this method.
And it is strongly recommended that you record the proper condition with " How to confirm proper condition" once you have adjusted the chain properly.
【 回答 3 】・ 「適正状態の確認方法」 How to confirm proper condeition
If you measure the adjustment state after proper chain adjustment, it is very easy to adjust the chain after that, so if you are looking for a comfortable and safe motorcycle life, we strongly recommend this adjustment method.
Many vehicles lack looseness in their chains due to incorrect chain adjustments, so we suggest that you confirm this by the following simple method.
First of all, with the tires on the ground, let the vehicle stand upright. If there is almost no slack in the chain at this time, it will be too much sticking, so it is necessary to adjust the chain immediately.
Next, if the slack in the chain disappears when you get on the vehicle while standing upright, you can determine that you need to adjust the chain to increase the slack.