
オートバイ基本講座「心」のページへ移動します オートバイ基本講座「技」のページへ移動します オートバイ基本講座「体」のページへ移動します オートバイ基本講座「バイク」のページへ移動します

Common sense and insane


Riding a motorcycle is greatly influenced by how you use your body. If you rethink how you use gaze, your motorcycle life could be more fun and safe.



   Your Gaze Determines Your Riding

概要  Summary


The way to secure the "field of view" when driving a motorcycle is different from when driving a car. Learning unique ways to fit your motorcycle's characteristics will greatly contribute to your riding skills and safety. I hope you will have a fun and safe motorcycle life with a view suitable for riding.

 1. 「前を見て!」の間違い "Face up and look ahead" is wrong
 2. 広い視野のための前傾 How to maintain a wide field of view
 3. 顔を向けない大切さ In order not to lose balance
 4. ライディングはスポーツと似ている Riding is much like sports

視線とライディング Field of view and riding

1. 「前を見て!」の間違い  Face Up and Look Ahead is Wrong

そう考えている理由は二つあります。 一つは「顔を上げると、視野が狭くなるから」で、二つ目は「バランスを崩す原因になるから」です。

Sometimes a motorcycle riding instructor tells you to "face up and look ahead", which I think is a big mistake. There are two reasons, one is that raising the face narrows the field of view, and the second is that it causes imbalance.

【 注意すべき点 】 Things to Note 

Raising the face brings a narrower field of view than leaning forward
Turning the face too much can cause a loss of balance

2. 広い視野のための前傾  How to Maintain a wide Field of View

道路の上を走り続ける限り、対向車や自転車・歩行者も道路の上を移動している限り、一番大切なのは道路上を見回す「水平視野」です。 そして、顔を上げている状態が一番「水平視野」が広いとは限らないのです。

個人差はありますが、頭を少し前傾させている状態こそが、左右の視野が広がるので、時速 60 q 以下の 一般道での走行では、左右視野の広がる 頭部前傾が安全だと言えます。
The most important field of view when driving a motorcycle is the "horizontal field of vision. This "horizontal field of vision" is not necessarily widest when the rider's face is up, but is widest when the rider's head is tilted slightly forward.

3. 顔を向けない大切さ  In Order not to Lose Balance


バランスを崩しやすい 低速走行の時や、タイヤへの荷重が抜けやすい旋回中に顔(頭)の向きを大きく変えてしまうと、オートバイのコントロールが難しくなり、両手でハンドルを押さえこんでしまうなど、更にオートバイの運転を難しくさせる原因になったり、誤った操作を覚えてしまうことに繋がるのです。つまり、旋回中に無暗に顔(頭)をコーナーの出口方向へと大きく向ける運転は適切ではないのです。
When you drive a motorcycle, shaking your head to the left or right can cause you to get out of your way or lose your balance, unlike when you drive a car. Especially when turning at low speed, turning the head toward the corner exit makes it difficult to control the motorcycle, which leads to the wrong movement of the rider holding the steering with both hands. Therefore, it is not recommended to turn your face significantly while driving.

【 注意すべき点 】 Things to Note 

I wish that the importance of not raising your face too much and not turning too much for riding has been conceyed to same extent.
In the next section, I will explain the surprising similarities between sports and riding.

4. ライディングはスポーツと似てる  Riding is much Like Sports

オートバイ ライディングは、身体のバランスを保ちながら、正確な操作が求められる点でスポーツとよく似ています。特に、よく似ているのは、球技、ボールを扱うスポーツです。



Imagine a situation where you are kicking a ball in soccer or hitting a ball back in tennis. In either case, you would keep your eye on the ball and focus on finding the best position to kick the ball or to hit it with the racket. This is important in order to hit the ball accurately in the desired direction, and if you neglect this, you will never be able to improve.

The use of gaze is the same for riding. You keep your eyes on the point where you slow down the most in the middle of a corner, that is, until you start to open the throttle, and then you move your eyes forward to see if the motorcycle is going in the direction you have previously assumed.


【 注意すべき点 】 Things to Note 

Just as where you apply force to the ball determines the direction in which it will fly, where you open the throttle determines the direction in which the motorcycle will go.
Just as you keep your eyes on the ball until you apply force, keeping your eyes on it until you start opening the throttle is the basis of riding.
I will briefly explain how to use riding and gaze in the next section.

5. 視線とライディング   Field of View and Riding


下図の様に、左に 90度曲がるコーナー(曲がり角を左折)があった場合、あなたは 3通りのイメージの内、どのイメージで走っているでしょうか? (1)や(2)のイメージしか浮かばない人もいるかも知れませんが、それは全く不可能か実現は難しいイメージです。 オートバイにとって一番自然な動き(イメージ)は、物理法則的にも、(3)ですし。殆どのライダーは無意識の内に(3)のラインを描いている筈です。

In the diagram below, the most natural and stable cornering for a motorcycle that conforms to the laws of physics is 3. Therefore, most riders unconsciously draw a line of travel of 3.
What you should pay attention to is the position where the green arrow starts, that is, the "acceleration start point". As you can see from the figure, the direction of the motorcycle is determined by where the "acceleration start point" is set. Therefore, when cornering, it is important to anticipate the "acceleration start point" in advance and continue gaze to control the motorcycle accurately at this point.

【 注意すべき点 】 Things to Note 

The position of the "acceleration start point" during a turn determines the direction in which the motorcycle travels.

It is the basis of riding to assume the "acceleration start point" before turning and to guide the vehicle accurately without losing sight of it.


オートバイ、コーナリング中の視線の使い方 1
オートバイ、コーナリング中の視線の使い方 2

Compare the two riding images. Due to the difference in rider's awareness of the "acceleration start point" where acceleration starts, the usage of gaze is different, and the posture of the motorcycle and the grip of the tire are different.

In this way, how to use gaze and how to secure the field of view are important so that the riding changes and the stability of the motorcycle changes greatly depending on how to use gaze at the "acceleration start point".

【 伝えたいこと 】 Things to Note 

適切で安全な ライディングを楽しむ為にも、社会の中の固定観念や他者の指摘に捉われる事なく、自身の適切な頭部の前傾角度を確認して、顔(頭部)の向きを大きく変えてバランスを崩す事もなく、大切な【加速開始地点】などの情報を正しく捉える工夫を強くお勧めします。 それが、ライディングの上達に繋がり、オートバイとの会話が増え、オートバイが持っている能力を適切に発揮してくれる事に繋がると信じています。

In order to enjoy riding safely, it is important to understand the natural way of movement of a motorcycle and adopt a way of running that suits the motorcycle, without being bound by the knowledge gained from others and social stereotypes. Therefore, it is strongly recommended to devise a way to secure the field of view, maintain a balance, and correctly capture information such as the "acceleration start point". I believe that it will help you improve your riding, increase conversations with your motorcycle, and bring out the best in your motorcycle's abilities.

解説記事と画像 :小林 裕之
Texts and images : Hiroyuki Kobayashi


【 関連する記事、資料 / Related and Reference Articles

「サークル理論」の 解説ページへ移動します   サークル理論
Circle theory
実践で あなたのライディングは確実に上達するでしょう

Let's experience the "Coin's Law"
  オートバイは、自然法則“コインの法則”に従って動く物体です 思い込みの走り方を離れ、オートバイと生の会話で学びましょう

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