
YOKAI's murmur

Like the Colosseum audience


With the development and widespread use of communication environments and information devices, people all over the world can watch live broadcasts of the devastation caused by pandemics and the invasion of Russian troops. It's like the modern Colosseum.
But keep in mind that what is happening in the Colosseum, as it was in ancient Rome, is used for the rule of power. So what should we, as a spectator?


古代の ローマ帝政期、剣闘士たちを戦わせる様子を市民達に見せる場として作られた円形の闘技場がコロッセオ(イタリア語)。 庶民に娯楽を与えて安定した治政を行なう為、有名なローマ市内のコロッセオ以外に、支配していた地中海地方を始めとする各地に建設させた事が知られている。

時が過ぎ、インターネットや情報端末の発達と普及によって、現代は世界中の多くの人々が一つのコロッセオに集っている様に感じる。 ライブ配信で、世界各地の何億もの人々が闘技場で繰り広げられる様子に一喜一憂していると言えるだろう。2020年のパンデミック宣言以降の混乱しかり、2022年のロシア軍のウクライナ侵攻でも、世界中の人々が右往左往しつつ固唾を飲んで見守っている。 そして、各国政府も、ローマ帝と同様に、コロッセオで繰り広げられている様子や情報を、国民の意識と行動を導く為に利用していると言える。





それが、コロッセオが人々に与える一番大きな “教訓” になると信じているからだ。


The Colosseum is a circular arena created as a place for citizens to see how gladiators fight during the Roman Empire. In order to provide entertainment to the common people and to carry out a stable administration, it is known that they were built in various places including the Mediterranean region that they ruled, in addition to the famous Colosseum in Rome.

With the passage of time and the development and widespread use of the Internet and information terminals, it feels like many people from all over the world are gathering in one Colosseum today. It can be said that the live stream shows hundreds of millions of people from all over the world unfolding in the arena. In the turmoil since the 2020 pandemic declaration, even in the 2022 Russian invasion of Ukraine, people all over the world are watching with a sigh of breath. And it can be said that the governments of each country, like the Roman Emperor, are using the state and information unfolding in the Colosseum to guide the consciousness and actions of the people.


Now, I thought about what the audience should do. It is difficult for a person to look away as long as there is a great deal of life-threatening event in a situation far from everyday life. Moreover, it is certainly more difficult to get down to the arena. However, at the same time, it is certain that the perspective of how the people in the spectators' seats look from the people standing in the arena is not enough.

At least for me personally, no matter what the outcome of the arena, I can say that my life from tomorrow will not change significantly, and my health and life risk will not increase. I can leave the arena and have a beer while chatting at an outside tavern, and it's not impossible to never enter the arena again.


However, I want to know exactly what the arena looks like. I just want to know exactly what the spectators are doing and how the world's powers are using the Colosseum, not just the people who are hurt and killed. I believe that is the greatest “lesson” that the Colosseum gives people.

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