
YOKAI's murmur

  「あおり運転」、報道の責任   Responsibility for the coverage


同時に、報道視聴率に煽られ、連日全国放送をしたNHKを始めとするメディア各社にも、そんな彼らへの “ あおり ” 責任の一端はある。前回の報道経験を活かさず、予測できる彼らの行動に自粛を促す姿勢の一片も示さなかった事には批判があって当然です。
他に報道すべき重要な事は多々あり、報道が招く “負” の部分を自覚した上で、時には自己反省の報道をすべきです。
それが、ネット中傷を始めとする同様な犯罪行為の “抑止力” になります。

Tv coverage of a man who drove dangerously against another car continued day after day, and in response, slander using the Internet caused a person unrelated to the incident to be treated as a criminal, and a situation that caused defamation and social and economic loss occurred again.
Of course, those who have committed false slander should be held liable, including criminal and civil claims.

However, in search of high viewership, media companies that did tv coverage every day, as a result, there is a responsibility to have fueled those who slander.
This is because if the experience of having produced a similar victim had been utilized as a result of repeated reports in a similar case before, such a situation might have been avoided.

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