
YOKAI's murmur


  Motorcycle riding will be an art

『 二輪車と四輪車 』


1. 四輪車は真っ直ぐに走るのが基本で作られ、二輪車は曲がるのが基本で作られている。

2. ハードなコーナリング時、四輪車のハンドル操作は忙しく美しくないが、

3. 四輪車はどんどん安全な乗り物に変わっていくけど、二輪車はその変化がとても少ない。

4. 四輪車は発進から変速、車線保持まで自動になっていくけど、

5. 四輪車のコーナリング時の限界は高いが、二輪車の限界は意外に低い。

6. 高額スポーツカーを買えば、誰でもカーブでそれらしく走らせられるが、

『 オートバイ ライディングは芸術になる 』



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It is actually a completely different vehicle though it is likely to seem only that the number of tires, the size of the body, and the capacity of the ride are the difference from the motorcycle and the automobile.

1. The car is made with the basics of running straight, and the motorcycle is made basically to turning a curve.
2. When hard cornering, the steering wheel operation of the car is busy and not beautiful, but the motorcycle is elegance itself.
3. Cars are becoming safer vehicles, but motorcycles change very little.
4. The car will become automatic from start to shifting and lane keeping, but most motorcycles are left to the rider.
5. The limit at cornering of the car is high, but the limit of the motorcycle is unexpectedly low.
6. If you buy high-priced sports cars, anyone can run them on curves, but you can't do that on expensive sports bikes.

In other words, much of the movement of motorcycles depends on the rider's riding operation , and safety depends on the quality of vehicle maintenance and setting.
So, if you can demonstrate accurate riding on motorcycle with proper maintenance and setting, it will be a beautiful art.

Therefore, GRA will continue to show the deep enjoyment of motorcycles, not just as a toy.

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