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 Common sense and insane


Many motorcyclists encourage the heavy use of rear brakes, and in fact, we can see many cases of unusual heavy use in safety driving competitions. However, from a physical standpoint, using the rear brake in both straight lines and turns is not only inefficient but also unsafe.

 旋回効率の高い コーナリングを!(3)

  Q&A Dosen't the Rear Brake Help Turn?

 「荷重」への意識が大切 / "Load" awareness is most important




The "grip" of a tire depends on the amount of "load" applied to the tire's contact surface. The amount of "load" is not only determined by the weight of the vehicle and rider, but also by acceleration and deceleration, which can further increase the "load". But, shaking the vehicle or moving the vehicle up and down will greatly reduce the "load," and the "grip" of the tire will be greatly spoiled.

In other words, if you want to maintain a large "grip" of the tires and move the motorcycle as you wish, it is important to pay attention not to sway the motorcycle body from side to side or move it up and down unnecessarily. The following video will help you understand the importance of controlling the swaying and up-and-down movement of the motorcycle body.

 「リア旋回」による荷重制御 / Load control by "Rear Turning"

「リア旋回」とは、 旋回によって生まれた「荷重」をリアタイヤへ移動させ、さらに加速によってリアタイヤへの「荷重」を高めて、それによって旋回力と操縦性を高める走り方です。


"Rear turning" is a rear tire-driven turning phenomenon that occurs naturally simply by accelerating while the motorcycle is leaned. Therefore, most riders do not pay much attention to this phenomenon, but in order to make effective use of rear turning, it is most important to be aware of and control the "load".

 「荷重」から旋回モーメントへ / from "Load" to Turning Moment

「荷重」は、 加速や減速によって大きくする事が出来ますが、車体をバンクさせる旋回動作によっても生み出す事が出来ます。 そんな旋回動作で生まれた「荷重」を、そのまま「旋回モーメント」作りに利用する事で、効率が良く安定した旋回(コーナリング)を行なう事が出来ます。


In addition to acceleration and deceleration, "load" is also generated by turning maneuvers. In order to efficiently utilize this "load" to generate "turning moment," it is necessary to control the vehicle without reducing the load by shaking the body.
This video introduces the "basic practice" to improve this control technique and realize turning by utilizing the "turning moment".


解説記事と画像 :小林 裕之
Texts and images : Hiroyuki Kobayashi



【 関連する記事 】
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