
役 職 / Position   NPO法人理事長,   事務局長 / Representative of NPO GRA
氏 名 / Name   小林  裕之  ( B型, うお座 )/  Hiroyuki Kobayashi
別 名 / Pen Name   妖怪・小林( 妖怪大魔王 )/  Yokai / Youkaidaimaou



<筆者注記>・・ 何事にも、やると決めたらトコトン熱中するのは当時も今も変わらないようだ ・・


His father was managing car maintenance factory, so he was grew up surrounded by cars and car specialized magazines, was a natural car enthusiast and didn't rather like a motorcycle.

So, he was 18 when he got a car license, but motorcycle license was eight years later than that. In the beginning, it was only for touring use, but he felt the importance of improving the riding technique and began to attend the riding school from the age of 28. Eventually he was attracted by fun to improve a riding skill and started to go to schools that were held all over Japan including Suzuka, Hamamatsu and Fukuoka, as well as schools in the neighborhood.

At that time, he was at 30 that he met the "moto Gymkhana" at such school and received a strong impact, and began to participate in the Gymkhana tounament.
However, eventually he get a big shock that the gymkhana event organized by motorcycle manufacturer Kawasaki has ended at 1990.
From this experience, he realizes that if he really loves it should not be dependent on anyone else but should organize himself, and he made a group : GRA where participants manages a gymkhana event together.




また同時に、全国各地で同様な趣旨で活動を行なう人や団体をサポートし、健全なオートバイライフ環境の提唱と創造する活動に精力的に取り組むなど、まさに “ 日本を代表する第一人者 ” だと言えるだろう。

He is the top rider in Japan who will win the overwhelming speed in the gymkhana competition, but he holds lesson events for riders for more than 40 times a year, such as valuable as there are no comparable people It exists.

He has won many of the participating gymka events. Especially in the 1990s, excellent riding techniques suitable for top riders have been proven, such as overall winning with the time to overwhelm others at the highest level convention in Japan.

However, his remarkable achievement has been active as an organizer, such as establishing GRA to raise social recognition of motorcycles, positively holding a lot of events including lessons, etc.
Especially, after the home and the living environment were damaged by the Great Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake occurred in January 1995, he abandoned pursuit of personal achievement and leave a brilliant achievement as an organizer to carry out promotion activities including holding events in Japan nationwide.


1991年1月に、先に述べたようなきっかけで日本で初めて「参加者主体の運営団体」・GRA を自らの意思で設立し、『ジムカーナ文化の創造』と 『ジムカーナを通じてオートバイの社会的認知度の向上』を目標に掲げ、数多くのイベントを開催する活動を始め、活動する地域を限定しない進め方と運営企画内容を広く公開していた事もあって、全国各地で数多くのジムカーナ経験者を育て、GRAの運営方法を模範とした運営団体が数多く誕生するきっかけを作り、一応の成果を残している。



He is engaged in activities towards the target by GRA, but after a long years of activity experience, his philosophy of action has continued to evolve greatly, including making it an NPO corporation aiming for social contribution activities.

Initially when GRA was founded in 1991, it set the goal of "creation of Gymkhana culture" and "improvement of social recognition of motorcycles through gymkhana".
In the 1990s, GRA made a number of gymkhana riders throughout the country, through an activity policy that does not limit the active areas.
In addition, according to the activity policy of disclosing the operation method, GRA have the result of creating an opportunity to organize event management organizations modeling GRA's operation method nationwide.



In August 2018, he rebuilt the workplace for GRA as he retired from the company he had worked for before.

He has relocated his own equipment that he used at his former workplace and has set up his sefl made PC, 4 monitors, 3 printers including scanner, etc., so that work can be done efficiently .

GRA will focus on this workspace and will cooperate with colleagues throughout the country to conduct outgoing activities for Japan and the world, so we are looking forward to your interest and support to us forever.

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文章等は許可無く転載することを禁じます / Copyright GRA All Rights Reserved.